Shuai Lu, Pavel V Etingov, Ruisheng Diao, Jian Ma, Nader A Samaan, Yuri V Makarov, Xinxin Guo, Ryan P Hafen, Chunlian Jin, Harold Kirkham, others.
Large-scale pv integration study.
PNNL-20677, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
Ross Maciejewski, Ryan Hafen, Stephen Rudolph, Stephen G Larew, Michael A Mitchell, William S Cleveland, David S Ebert.
Forecasting hotspots---A predictive analytics approach.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
Ross Maciejewski, Stephen Rudolph, Ryan Hafen, Ahmad Abusalah, Mohamed Yakout, Mourad Ouzzani, William S Cleveland, Shaun J Grannis, David S Ebert.
A visual analytics approach to understanding spatiotemporal hotspots.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
Ross Maciejewski, Stephen Rudolph, Ryan Hafen, Ahmad Abusalah, Mohamed Yakout, Mourad Ouzzani, William S Cleveland, Shaun J Grannis, Michael Wade, David S Ebert.
Understanding syndromic hotspots-a visual analytics approach.
Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 2008. VAST’08. IEEE Symposium on,