A little-known feature in rbokeh is a function that will save an htmlwidget (including rbokeh figures of course) to a github gist and share it, along with its source code, through services like bl.ocks.org or allow it to be embedded in a web-based document or presentation.
I often find myself in the situation where I need to log into a remote machine to do analysis in R but do not have a satisfactory way to view output of graphics being generated in the remote session. There are many possible ways to work graphically with R on a remote machine, but some are not very desirable and others are often not possible. In this post I introduce a new package “rmote” that provides a way to deal with this situation.
A common issue when dealing with more than a few thousand data points is how to effectively make scatterplots. There is a lot of research on this topic that I won’t go into in any detail, but in this post I’ll just point out a few features that come with rbokeh that allow you to work with larger scatterplots, including level of detail thresholds, WebGL, and hexbins, and finally faceting.