There are many map plotting features in rbokeh that I haven’t been able to cover in detail in the documentation. This post will go into a few of those, including google map types, custom map styles, and using different layer functions to plot on top of a map.
The rbokeh package version 0.5.0 was recently released. For those not familiar with rbokeh, it is a plotting library based on BokehJS with the goal of making it easy to flexibly create declarative interactive web-based visualizations in R. To get an overview of what you can do with it, please see here.
The rbokeh package version 0.4.1 was recently released.
A common issue when dealing with more than a few thousand data points is how to effectively make scatterplots. There is a lot of research on this topic that I won’t go into in any detail, but in this post I’ll just point out a few features that come with rbokeh that allow you to work with larger scatterplots, including level of detail thresholds, WebGL, and hexbins, and finally faceting.
The rbokeh package version 0.3.4 was recently released.